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Dublin 2019 -- Worldcon Schedule!

I'm so thrilled to be going to Worldcon in a couple weeks!! There is so much that I'm excited for, and my scheduled panels are one of them!

Please note that I am always happy to say hello or to sign books if you see me at the con! I am very good at self-regulating my social intake, so if for example I'm sitting around in a public space and mucking about on my phone then it's pretty safe to assume I'm ok with being interrupted to chat.

I am not sure whether there will be copies of A CONSPIRACY OF TRUTHS in the dealer's room, but I WILL be carrying around some postcards (for both Conspiracy and Choir!) if you want a bit of swag :D I will also have very shiny badge ribbons for Be the Serpent! Come find me!

NOTE: Be sure to check the official program, as there is still the possibility that room or time assignments may have been tweaked.

Introduction to Hopepunk

15 Aug 2019, Thursday 20:00 - 20:50, Wicklow Hall 2B (CCD)

Alexandra Rowland coined the term ‘hopepunk’ in a Tumblr post in 2017, saying that: ‘…the opposite of Grimdark is Hopepunk’. Our panel will discuss what the term means and how hopepunk intersects with other speculative sub-genres such as grimdark, noblebright, and solarpunk, as well as offering reading recommendation

Be the Serpent podcast - Live Recording

17 Aug 2019, Saturday 11:00 - 11:50, Wicklow Hall 2B (CCD)

Be the Serpent is a speculative fiction, media, and fanfiction analysis podcast hosted by three redheaded fantasy authors. Come join us for a live recording, featuring trope taxonomies, enthusiastic dissection of this episode’s featured stories, dozens of recs, and more dirty jokes than you could shake a snake at. It is, after all, a podcast of extremely deep… literary merit.

Autographs: Saturday at 13:00

17 Aug 2019, Saturday 13:00 - 13:50, Level 4 Foyer (CCD)

Kaffeeklatsch: Alexandra Rowland

17 Aug 2019, Saturday 16:00 - 16:50, Level 3 Foyer (KK/LB) (CCD)

Fan podcasts

18 Aug 2019, Sunday 15:30 - 16:20, Odeon 5 (Point Square Dublin)

Podcasts have become a popular way to talk about and hear about our fannish favourites, share the latest theories and plot developments, and find new things to love. Our panellists discuss the challenges and delights of podcasting, and help you find new podcasts to check out.

Breaking the Glass Slipper podcast - Live Recording

19 Aug 2019, Monday 11:00 - 11:50, Wicklow Hall 2B (CCD)

Since 2016, the ‘Breaking the Glass Slipper’ podcast has championed female voices in speculative fiction. Now into our third season and with a British Fantasy Award nomination under our belt, we’re excited to host a live recording at Dublin 2019. Our subject is inspired by the Emerald Isle itself: the place of islands and island mythology in the human imagination.

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